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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:02    点击次数:92
每年春节,双语君都会为大家推荐新年电影,希望你不论是清净还是热闹,都能过个温暖充实的好年。总有那么一些电影,充满假期的氛围感,温馨的画面点亮岁末的余晖,温暖心灵,让我们卸下疲惫,和旧年道别,拥抱新年。无论你是陪家人、陪朋友、陪伴侣,或是自己看,以下精选的8部电影,都将会是陪伴你度过假期的绝佳之选。01生活多美好It's a Wonderful Life推荐语:无论看多少遍,最后五分钟总能让你泪水肆意纵横。不要看轻自己的价值,生活多美好。The film tells the story of a man, George, who loses faith in life and contemplates suicide on Christmas Eve. An angel sent from Heaven helps him by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.电影讲述了主人公乔治在圣诞夜丧失了对生活的信心,准备自杀,上帝派来天使帮他渡过危机,让他看到了没有他的存在世界将会是什么样子的。It's a Wonderful Life conveys the values of love, compassion, sharing, and kindness. It is now considered one of the greatest films of all time. This classic delivers warmth all year long.该电影传递了爱、同情、分享和善良的价值观,被视为影史上最伟大的电影之一,给观众带来一整年的温暖。02瞬息全宇宙Everything Everywhere All at Once推荐语:“所有问题的答案都是爱。”The film is about a middle-aged Chinese immigrant who is swept up into an insane adventure in which she alone can save existence by exploring other universes and connecting with the lives she could have led.电影讲述了一名中年华裔移民妇女卷入了一场疯狂的冒险,她要通过探索其他宇宙,并与不同宇宙版本的自己产生连接,从而拯救众生的故事。Led by outstanding Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All at Once lives up to its title with an expertly calibrated assault on the senses. The proudly weird sci-fi movie swept most of the top categories, including best picture and directing.杨紫琼领衔主演,展现卓越演技,同时电影精准调度感官,“瞬息全宇宙”名副其实。这部骄傲地释放古怪气质的科幻片揽获多项奥斯卡大奖,包括最佳影片和最佳导演。03甲方乙方The Dream Factory推荐语:葛优的明星招牌、京味的幽默调侃。Four friends in Beijing start a company which specializes in fulfilling their clients' dreams. Enacting their wildest fantasies, they encounter many oddball clients along the way.四位北京的好友创建了一家公司,专门致力于实现客户的梦想,并在此过程中遇到了许多古怪的客户。It was one of the first notable and successful he sui pian movies (Chinese New Year films) made on the Chinese mainland.《甲方乙方》开启了内地“贺岁片”的大门,是最早取得成功的经典贺岁片之一。04饮食男女Eat Drink Man Woman推荐语:李安最受好评的作品之一,开篇4分钟做菜场面百看不厌。A richly layered look at the complex interactions between a widowed chef and his daughters, Ang Lee's generational comedy Eat Drink Man Woman offers filmgoers a tasty cinematic treat.李安这部跨时代喜剧《饮食男女》以层次丰富的视角审视了一位鳏居厨师和他女儿之间复杂的互动关系,为影迷们提供了一场美味的电影盛宴。Life at the family's house revolves heavily around preparing and eating an elaborate dinner every Sunday. The stability of these meals gives them all strength as they deal with new romantic relationships and disappointments.这个家庭的生活主要围绕着每周日准备和吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。这些饭菜给他们稳定的力量,因为他们处理新的爱情和失意 。05一一A One and a Two推荐语:被法国媒体形容为生命的诗篇,许多网友在它身上看到了一生。It centers on the struggles of an engineer, NJ, and three generations of his middle-class family in Taipei. Each member of a family asks hard questions about life’s meaning as they live through everyday quandaries.这部影片聚焦于工程师NJ及其台北中产阶级家庭三代人的挣扎。每个家庭成员在日常面临的困境里,探寻生活的意义。In its depiction of one family, Yi Yi accurately and expertly captures the themes and details, as well as the beauty, of everyday life.《一一》通过对一个家庭的描绘,准确而精湛地捕捉了日常生活的主题、细节和美感。06阳光小美女Little Miss Sunshine推荐语:即使生活再糟,却永不缺少这样的美丽心灵与永恒阳光。The film talks about a family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant and take a cross-country trip on their VW bus.电影讲述了一家人下定决心要把家里最小的女儿送去参加选美比赛决赛,于是坐上大众旅行车横穿全国的故事。Little Miss Sunshine was a box office success, earning $101 million, and was praised mainly for the performances, direction, screenplay, and humor.该电影票房取得巨大成功,高达1.01亿美元,主要因其演员精湛的演技以及导演、剧本和影片的幽默感而备受好评。07四个春天Four Springs推荐语:一部春节拍摄的家庭录像纪录片,每帧都是一幅画。Four Springs is a documentary film that presented a family's daily life in the remote town of Dushan in the Guizhou province in Southwest China.《四个春天》是一部纪录片,讲述了中国西南部贵州省偏远小镇独山一个家庭的日常生活。From a subjective angle, the camera induced the flow of life out of the screen: the quotidian toils, singing, excursions in nature, visits among friends and extended families, funerals, reunions and departures.导演亲自掌镜,相机展现了生命的流动:日常的劳作、歌唱、在大自然中的远足、拜访亲友、葬礼、团聚和离别。08甜蜜蜜Comrades: Almost a Love Story推荐语:很多人因为经典新年对白知道它,看完电影像过了一辈子那么长。A love story starring Leon Lai, Maggie Cheung and Eric Tsang. The film focused on the hardships of new immigrants to Hong Kong in the late 20th century, and managed to capture the common feelings of Chinese people in the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.由黎明、张曼玉、曾志伟等主演的爱情电影。该片主要讲述了20世纪末期香港新移民的艰辛岁月,成功抓住两岸三地中国人的共同情感。"Tian Mimi" is also the name of the song played throughout the film sung by Teresa Teng. It means a good, warm, loving, close relationship.“甜蜜蜜”也是邓丽君演唱的,电影中贯穿始终的歌曲名。这代表了良好的、温暖的、有爱的、亲密的爱情。编辑:李雪晴实习生:张颖禧

